Friday, September 28, 2012

Staying Sane While Living

Nope. This is not a step-by-step instruction manual. It is what the title says. It is me feeling burnt out in life and work. Its me trying to weight things. Whether to stop, turn or go straight.

I am once again in a crossroad. If i stop, people behind me, the ones I hold dearly, will also have to stop and that is definitely not right. If I turn and go the other way, eventually, I would have to stop for awhile and ask for directions and then start from scratch again. Now if I go on and maintain status quo, life will remain the same for a long, long time.

See the problem is this...I want a better life for me and my family. I want my wife to live free from stress and responsibilities. I want my 2 boys to have good education and a good future ahead of them. The next question is, you guessed right, how? How the heck can I do that without robbing a bank or kidnapping a wealthy chekwa?! I thought of a lot of things and cut them down to 3 options.

1) Stop - quit my regular job, set up a new business from scratch. That means investing and borrowing money which i hate doing. If and when it clicks, I wont start earning at least after 5mos or so.

2) Turn - a career change. Which I dont know much of really. Heck, Ive been designing shit since birth and I just dont know what I'll be if im not what I am today, an artist.

3) Go - as the famous nike tagline goes..."Just do it." Apply for a Canadian Visa and fly your family there and live a new Canadian life. Alone. With no family and friends. Away from the Philippines. Live in isolation. Thats just sad.

So there. My choices, my calvary. Such are the things a family man must make. Life-changing decisions, with each one of them exists different opportunities and difficulties.

But you know what, in the end, I leave it all up to God. He will decide whichever is right for me and my family. He will take me to my dream. God knows. God cares. God loves. But until then, Imma' gon' keep runnin' and reach for the sky! Happy trails - run hard, run happy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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