Let me fill you in with my 2013 life so far, I have been feeling miserable lately because I have been missing my morning runs a lot. Its an off again, on again thang. I havent joined any runs since the 711 run800 event. Yes, I wasted what was supposed to be my summer of runs and training. Instead i was focused more at work and family. Which I find nothing wrong with, its just that feeling of disappointment when you miss a scheduled run because of reasons brought about life's circumstances. Guilt, shoulda, coulda, woulda! Definitely, my passion for running took the backseat this first half of the year.
With all that rubbish regarding running, I am mighty proud to say that I have been more focused on my family. Less time for running means more time and energy for my wife and kids. More time for house chores, groceries with the wifey, summer dip with the boys, more time to visit loved ones, more time to think, reflect, assess and decide.
Also one of the most significant part of this year is my trip in Singapore with my friends. It was just like a high school field trip, the only difference is the location and our age. The usual stuff happening in a field trip happened-from waking up early, to having the never-ending kulitans and flashbacks. Oh yes and there were the sightseeings, picture taking, eating out and drinking in's. It sure was a guiltless, well-deserved, 3 day break from our usual routine, and boy did we enjoy every minute of it!
The other half thats keeping me all tied-up is work. Was recently promoted and am now a Lead Designer. Meaning more responsibilities, more load, to keep it simple, more work. But who's complaining? Not me. In fact, im happy about it. Its a feat for me! A confidence booster, a picker-upper(?), an extra motivation and a source of inspiration.
With all these in my bag, Im still trying my darndest to juggle everything without dropping any. I am hoping to go back to my usual training schedule starting June just right for my July KOTR2013 16km race. But with the kids' school just around the corner, well, thats another hurdle to tackle.